Coming soon to a galaxy near you!
There is no other candy that compares to fart tarts!!!!
Fart Tarts are an awesome tasting tart candy with a story “behind” them. Speaking of behind, that’s where the candy comes out of the dispenser!!!
There are 12 unique Fart Tart characters to start out with. Each is distinguished by their color. Each Fart Tart has their own web page. On their web page you can access all their information.
Learn what fart noise and how powerful his farts are on the fart chart. Learn if he’s good A.K.A. Fartin Martian or bad A.K.A. Pooper trooper. And there’s a little story about your very own Fart Tart. Some Fart Tarts are very powerful, some use their brains instead of their butts and some are harder to collect. So collect them all if you can!!!